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​​​​​​​​Bergamo Tecnologie SP Z.O.O. 


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​​General Description

​​Bergamo Tecnologie is a polish SME working in the window and prefabricated window modules since 1996. Operations are focused on innovative prefabricated solutions integrating windows with specialized architectural technological features. The Evolution within the company is fast and continuous, and the work processes avail themselves with the most advanced technological equipment. Twenty years of experience matured in separate branches, proved to be complementary and opened for them the door of introducing the vision of Total Service in the Domestic Construction Field and allowed the export of their experience abroad, with the execution of important and high standards projects in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Middle East and Africa.


​​Key Personnel and Relevant Expertise​​

Malwina Adamek, MSc (Male): He graduated as Civil Engineer from Lodz University of Technology, is specialized in structural engineering. She has a long standing experience with fenestration products and envelope solutions and is the responsible for BIM (Building Information Modelling) within Bergamo. Malwina has wide knowledge of energy efficiency in the built environment and has been trained on the use of building automation solutions for enhanced indoor comfort.​​

Anna Bogacz, MSc (Female): is technical responsible with long standing expertise in the design of advanced window and glazing systems integrated in prefabricated structures and curtain walls. She has been involved in collaborative projects with architects and material suppliers and has a deep experience in managing complex projects integrating glass, wood, steel, concrete prefab.

Michal Dabek, MSc (Male): graduated as Construction Engineer from Lodz Technical University. He has wide knowledge on structural matters as well as experience on site. Michal takes active part in designing activities as he has wide knowledge on energy efficiency issues, building envelope systems as well as has experience in designing novel and energy efficient windows.​​​

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.