Technischen Universität Berlin

General Description
TU Berlin is one of the leading technical universities in Germany with more than 30.000 students. The university is structured into seven faculties. The research work on the P2Endure project will be conducted by the Bauinformatik group at TU Berlin that is working in the field of computing in Civil Engineering and by the newly installed chair for Systems Engineering. Both chairs belong to the Institute of Civil Engineering. The group in Bauinformatik covers at present time about 10 persons. A major research focus is in the field of process modeling in civil engineering. Research in the field of geometric modeling is in a preparation phase. Some results have already been published. Modern technologies are presented to students. There is a long tradition in teaching object oriented modeling. Since more than three years, a course in Building Information Modelling has been established in the bachelor program in Civil Engineering. The newly established chair in Systems Engineering research will focus on understanding, designing, and engineering complex civil engineering systems, such as infrastructure and buildings. The chair will be led by Prof. Dr. Timo Hartmann, an experienced researcher that has worked in this field for many years.
Key Personnel and Relevant Expertise
Prof Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Huhnt, (Male): worked in the field of process modelling in civil engineering. Several publications, prototypes and a spin off are the results of research in this field. He also started working in the field of computational geometry. First results have already been published. |
Prof Dr Timo Hartmann, (Male): received his PhD from Stanford University where he was a student at the Center for Integrated Facility Management. His work has been published in Advanced Engineering Informatics, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Building Research and Information and ITCON. He is an assistant specialty editor for the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, a deputy editor of Advanced Engineering Informatics, and a deputy editor of Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management.
Research Assistant, Christoph Blindal-Gutsche, (Male):
finished his M.Sc in IT for Business Administration in March 2016 at TU Dresden. After graduating, he worked as an IT consultant and research assistent in the field of process modelling and semantic information. Since January 2017, he has been working for the chair in Systems Engineering at TU Berlin