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​Objective 1: To optimize, integrate and validate state-of-the-art prototypes and commercially available packages of PnP prefab solutions for deep renovation.

The products and tools in P2ENDURE cover building components as well as HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning). Measureable targeted achievements through this objective are:

  • To optimize and integrate innovative prototypes of PnP prefab building components and HVAC systems up to TRL8+ (Technical Readiness Level) to be applied for holistic deep renovation.
  • To enhance and integrate at least 10 innovative solutions for deep renovation of building envelopes and technical systems as well as technologies for RES (Renewable Energy Sources) production, energy storage and connection with energy grid.
  • To analyze and reduce the embodied energy of the deep renovation solutions through reuse and recycling of prefab components and materials, as well as by local renovation factory or portable/moving workshop for most efficient transport, logistics and utilization of local materials, equipment and labor for district-scale deep renovations.
Objective 2: To demonstrate and promote innovative on-site processes for fast deep renovation projects with low disturbance for the residents, and significantly improved indoor environment quality (IEQ) after completion.

The innovative processes in P2ENDURE cover on-site assembly and 3D printing, as well as value-chain integration and use of BIM (Building Information Model) and related ICT tools to support lifecycle process, asset and information management. Measureable targeted achievements through this objective  are:

  • To reduce the time and disturbance at deep renovation by 50% compared to the current practices. The process from order to final delivery of deep renovation products will be reduced by 50% including time-saving on-site. This will be achieved by a significant reduction of the time to design/engineer the solutions from avg. 6 months to several weeks, reduction of the production time to a few days, and on-site assembly within 1-3 days.
  • To demonstrate at least 10 innovative PnP prefab solutions for off-site and on-site processes, including the application of on-site 3D printing and local renovation factory concept that are upgraded from TRL7 to 8+.
  • To configure and deploy two BIM-based and user-friendly ICT software tools for: 1) parametric modelling of prefab components in renovation and 2) lifecycle asset management. These tools will support the automation in production, logistic, assembly, e-marketplace, and 3D-printing processes, which will result in an optimized BIM-driven supply-chain. An ECS (Easy Calculation System) will be part of the BIM tool to estimate the total deep renovation cost with a high-accuracy, taking into account the dynamic circumstances on and off-site.
Objective 3: To measure, monitor and validate P2ENDURE product and process innovations based on live demonstration projects of deep renovation, virtual simulation and prototyping.

This objective is oriented towards quantitative validation of both the TRL8+ as well as technical properties and deep renovation performance of P2ENDURE solutions. Measureable targeted achievements through this objective are:

  • To test, improve and standardise the effectiveness of P2ENDURE solutions to achieve the targeted energy performance, cost effectiveness, and Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ). All innovations will be both virtually and practically demonstrated while their impacts are measured in real-time. Accurate quantitative evaluations will be guaranteed by advanced monitoring tools (i.e. using the Comfort Eye system for IEQ). The target of 60% energy reduction, 15% cost reduction and 50% on-site time reduction while maintaining IEQ conditions to best standards, will be monitored and analyzed.
  • To prevent and resolve performance and quality gaps between the off-site designed/ manufactured and on-site realized/assembled PnP prefab solutions. By utilizing BIM-based Augmented Reality (BIM AR) for self-instruction and self-inspection following standardized protocols for prefab solutions.
  • To equip the renovated buildings and enable the residents with BIM-based smart monitoring systems to maintain the optimal lifecycle performance after deep renovation. 100% of the developed components will be tested according to these procedures, and results achieved in the different demo projects will be compared to assess achieved performances.
Objective 4: To provide solid empirical evidence of the performance and quality of P2ENDURE solutions while ensuring their scalability and replicability at district, city, region, country and EU level.

Broad market acceptance is only possible through proof-of-performance from real practice. Therefore, P2ENDURE focuses on live demonstration projects supported by credible virtual simulation to show the real impacts of the promoted deep renovation solutions across different geo-clusters. Measureable targeted achievements through this objective are:

  • To demonstrate the practical ways for implementing P2ENDURE innovations in 10 real deep renovation projects. Validations will be executed for: the product innovations – performances of the new concepts/products in practice; the process innovations – actual total time for renovation; the actual possibility of delivering serial yet customizable products based on economy-of-scale; the economic and market models for innovation; and most importantly, the actual renovation costs compared to a traditional approach.
  • To stimulate an increased rate of deep renovation in the EU by establishing pilot experience across 4 Europe’s geo-clusters (Nordic, Mediterranean, Central Europe, and West Europe) whereby the real applicability, scalability and replicability of P2ENDURE solutions are proven for various public and residential buildings and deep renovation with transformation of building typology/function.
Objective 5: To ensure the market uptake and upscaling of P2ENDURE innovations during and immediately after the project by directly involving ‘launch customers’, value-chain and distribution network partners, and other stakeholders at local, regional, and EU level.

This objective is oriented towards facilitating deep renovation at EU scale, especially using SME (Small and medium-sized enterprises)-based PnP (Plug and Play) prefab solutions promoted by P2ENDURE. Through this objective, energy-efficiency goals will be achieved simultaneously with socio-economic growth. Measureable targeted achievements through this objective are:

  • To activate and mobilize at least 50 real-estate clients, end-users, policy makers and industrial partners for value-chain integration of P2ENDURE innovation. The activation and mobilization of different stakeholders will be achieved through the P2ENDURE Technology Commercialization Platform (TCP) that will be established to incorporate the visions, needs and expectations of the main market players in deep renovation. An active TCP is guaranteed as the key stakeholders of the platform are partners in linked R&D (Research & Development) projects.
  • To introduce P2ENDURE innovations among businesses and potential clients in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce in various EU countries by organising at least 2 business workshops involving the TCP members.
  • To develop realistic and replication-focused exploitation and business plans, geared to empower SMEs and to create spin-off or start-up companies. SME partners in P2ENDURE will take immediate advantages from the project in order to scale-up the demonstration projects through the established contacts with the market players.
  • To promote standardisation and certification of P2ENDURE products and tools along with an effective management of intellectual property rights (IPR) and patents. An IPR strategy will be elaborated to properly use background and foreground knowledge of the consortium partners and TCP members. Along with this, a market strategy will identify the required steps for P2ENDURE replication after the project’s completion.
Objective 6: To disseminate and valorize knowledge and results from P2ENDURE along with establishing and strengthening synergies with other EU and national innovation activities.


This objective is oriented towards awareness-raising for deep renovation, and in direct support of market upscaling and replication strategies. It will empower the critical mass to bring P2ENDURE innovations into the daily practice. Measureable targeted achievements through this objective are:

  • To exchange knowledge, build synergies and create inter-operability of information and product systems between relevant EU, national R&D (Research & Development) projects, and the working committees at IEA (International Energy Agency) by actively participating in the clustering activities encouraged by the EC (European Commission) through the Energy-efficient Building Association (E2BA).
  • To train industrial partners and local construction firms to implement P2ENDURE approach and solutions within potential projects at local and EU level by engaging synergies with training projects and Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) in Horizon 2020, especially with the BuildUpSkills programme.
  • To educate students and young professionals in advanced deep renovation and continuous development and improvement of P2ENDURE solutions.
  • To perform broad knowledge dissemination of P2ENDURE through a dedicated online dissemination platform connected to the P2ENDURE public website, and the use of social media channels, as well as publications for specific professional and academic target groups.​
André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.