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Consortium Meeting at Month 24

3-5 October 2018
Rome, Italy

​​​The meeting was hosted by RINA Consulting and took place in the conference centre of the Hotel Cardinal St Peter in Rome, Italy. All the consortium partners were present. 

This general assembly was a mid-term meeting after two years of working on the project. The aim of the meeting was to discuss  the progress of the project in details addressing the P2ENDURE 4M approach for building deep renovation and to prepare for the upcoming review meeting in March 2019. 

During the first day, the work done within each of the 4M steps (Mapping – Modelling – Making – Monitoring) was analysed for a complete overview of the project progress. The second day of the meeting was dedicated to go through all the Work Packages in order to address the work performed in the first two years of P2ENDURE and to plan activities for the next six months. On the third day, the Deep Renovation Joint Workshop / TCP Event took place, which has been organised together with five other synergy projects to learn about the most innovative systems and technologies for building deep renovation and to introduce them to the stakeholders representing building sectors from different European countries.

More information on the TCP Event can be found here.

Consortium Meeting at Month 18

5-7 March 2018
Berlin, Germany

The meeting took place at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany on 5-7 March 2018. All the consortium partners were present.
The project Adviser, Janna Schönfeld (EASME, Unit B1-Energy, European Commission) joined the meeting as well to get to know the progress of the project and give recommendation on further preparation for the mid-term review.

During the first day of the meeting general aspects of the project were presented and discussed, including updates on the Work Packages and two workshops on BIM-to-BEM energy simulation and demonstration projects. The consortium partners and the Project Adviser had a chance to go in depth through the process of energy simulation and update on the innovative solutions and implementation in real demonstration cases.
The Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS) took place on the second day of the meeting. During the seminar, the appointed EC Expert, Dr Peter Moran discussed together with the project consortium possibilities for creating exploitable results and introducing them to the market. In addition, the seminar was meant to address and answer questions regarding IPR issues.
During the third day the upcoming deliverable reports (due in August 2018) were discussed.


Presentation on  EPBD review by  the Project Adviser, Janna  Schönfeld (EC, EASME Unit B1 – Energy)


Consortium Meeting at Month 12

7-8 September 2017
Genoa, Italy

​The meeting took place in the conference centre of RINA Consulting in Genoa, Italy on 7-8 September 2017. All the consortium partners were present.​

After the first year of the project the meeting was a chance to review the progress, re-affirm shared vision and main goals in P2ENDURE and solve current technical and management challenges. On the first day the focus was on financial and management issues, the results of the first pre-renovation condition assessment and on the work done and planned activities within each Work Package. On the second day the prototype of BIM parametric modeller was demonstrated, BIM-based energy calculations was discussed and proposals of the solutions providers for the ongoing demonstration cases were presented.

Consortium Meeting at Month 6

29-31 March 2017
Odense, Denmark

​​​The meeting took place at Forskerparken - a research centre of robotic and welfare technology in Odense, Denmark from 29th to 31st March 2017. All the consortium partners were present.
On the first day a joint workshop for two Horizon2020 projects was organised: MORE-CONNECT and P2ENDURE. During the workshop two site visits took place: to the demonstration building, where Innogie solar roof system​ has been installed, and to the Robotic Valley in Odense, which gave an insight to the robotic and automation industry. Besides demonstration of the P2ENDURE 3D printing technology for building envelopes developed by Invela other robotic technologies and their applications in different industries were explained and demonstrated.   
During the next days of the meeting, successful sessions led to several important agreements on preparation to the official periodic reporting in Month 12, finding an effective and efficient approach to energy calculation of the proposed deep renovation plans for the demonstration projects and a follow-up discussion on implementation of the P2ENDURE solutions and tools in the real demonstration projects.​

  • Consortium Meeting March 2017 in Odense

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  • Joint workshop and site visits for H2020 projects MORE-CONNECT and P2ENDURE​​
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M6 Meeting DK_2017-03-29 (3).jpg
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M6 Meeting DK_2017-03-29 (5).jpg ​

Technical workshop

31 January - 2 February 2017
Warsaw, Poland

​​​​​​The Technical Workshop of the P2Endure project took place in Warsaw, Poland on the 31st of January - 2nd of February 2017. All the consortium members and few stakeholders were present. On the 2nd of January a site visit to the demonstration building was organised by the Municipality of Warsaw.

The goal of the Technical Workshop was to reach preliminary agreements on implementation of the ​P2Endure solutions and tools in the real demonstration projects, which have a high certainty to start in the short term, and to obtain detailed insight (technical, financial and time-wise) into the offered solutions.

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Technical Workshop in Warsaw Jan-Feb 2017 (1)LR.jpg 

The Kick-off meeting

27-28 September 2016
Delft, The Netherlands

​​​​The Kick-off-Meeting (KoM) of the P2Endure project took place in Delft, the Netherlands on the 27-28 September 2016. All the consortium members were present.​

​The Kick-off meeting was an opportunity to get to know the partners in the consortium and to review and clarify the main aspects written in the proposal. During the first day the demands and requirements were discussed and the demonstration cases presented. Through teleconferencing our Project Advisor – Janna Schönfeld gave a live presentation on the EASME programme and explained the most important financial and legal issues. During the second day the innovative technological solutions and the work packages were discussed. The meeting gave an important insight into the project and defined the next steps for all the partners.​

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Pre kick-off meeting

16 July 2016
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

​​​Pre Kick-off-Meeting took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on the 16th of July 2016.

At the meeting the project partners discussed the planning of the project (work packages and deliverables) and clarified the goals and approach of this Horizon2020 framework project. Technical issues and demonstration cases were discussed and the details of the content, responsibilities and outputs of the project were identified.​​
The following partners were present at the meeting:

  • Demo Consultants B.V: Rizal Sebastian, Sanja Durmisevic and Anna Gralka
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche: Gian Marco Revel
  • D’Appolonia: Margherita Scotto and Stefano Barberis
  • Fasada: Agnieszka Łukaszewska
  • Mostostal Warszawa: Piotr Dymarski
  • Technischen Universität Berlin: Timo Hartmann​

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.