Don't miss the opportunity for an inside look at most innovative systems for deep renovation of building envelopes and technical systems
The event is hosted by P2ENDURE project and is organised in conjunction with EENSULATE and ENVISION projects.
P2ENDURE (Plug-and-Play Product and Process Innovation for Energy-efficient Building Deep Renovation) aims at improving the availability and performance of energy saving solutions for deep renovation and transformation of vacant, obsolete or sub-optimal public buildings into dwellings. The project provides Plug & Play solutions which are ready to implement, affordable, 50% faster from production to on-site assembly, scalable and adaptable (in all European countries).
EENSULATE (Development of innovative lightweight and highly insulating energy efficient components and associated enabling materials for cost-effective retrofitting and new construction of curtain wall facades) goal is to develop affordable (20% reduction of total costs) and lightweight (35% weight reduction) solutions for the envelope insulation in curtain wall buildings, meeting "nearly zero energy" standards, reducing energy bills by at least 20% and complying at the same time with the structural limits of the original building structure and national building codes.
ENVISION (ENergy harVesting by Invisible Solar IntegratiON in building skins) focusses on the development of a full renovation concept harvesting energy from ALL building surfaces (transparent and opaque) by absorbing the invisible part of the solar radiation (the near-infrared (NIR) part, roughly 50% of the solar energy spectrum). ENVISION will use standard PV solutions for roof and new thermal and electrical energy harvesting solutions for the building façade, consisting of heat collecting coloured façade elements and heat and electricity harvesting glazing solutions. To maximize the efficiency, all the harvesting solutions will be coupled to novel heating systems and district heat network, thus ensuring an efficient energy use, distribution and storage.
Click here for information on the TCP event on the ENVISION website.
This workshop will bring together stakeholders representing key decision makers and implementers in the field of deep renovation of buildings, along with retrofitting solutions users, and developers for an array of interactive poster sessions and discussions, and a unique hands-on showcase of innovative deep renovation of building solutions.
The objective of the Workshop is to raise awareness on the most innovative building renovation and energy saving solutions and as well as to present and discuss altogether the main features of P2ENDURE e-Marketplace. Dedicated interactive poster sessions and P2ENDURE e-Marketplace workshops will take place.
Pre-register Today! You can easily pre-register here.
The participation to the workshop is free.
The workshop will take place at Hotel Cardinal St Peter - Leone Dehon 71 – 00165 Rome, Italy.
For more information please contact Anna Gralka (DEMO Consultants) or Alessandra Masini (RINA Consulting)
Click the image to view the SaveTheDate invitation.