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​D2.4: Software demonstrator for energy monitoring, LCC and asset management


The P2ENDURE project aims at developing and validating Plug-and-Play (PnP) innovative technologies and renovation methods for energy-efficient building deep renovation, using a set of relevant IT technologies, and serving various business sectors. Especially for the technicians (i.e. architects and civil engineers), asset managers and local authorities, the P2ENDURE project develops desktop and mobile applications to equip these stakeholders with cost-effective instruments for building condition assessment, multi-year maintenance planning, life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis, asset management, and energy monitoring of building or building stock, as well as decision-support on deep renovation process.

This deliverable report is the documentation of two software tools:

  • The tool for energy monitoring aiming at gathering and analysing energy data to help in choosing best renovation strategy
  • The tool for LCC and asset management aiming at gathering and analysing information on building capital and operational costs to help in choosing best renovation scenario as well as to provide an overview of the total life-cycle costs of a building or building stock. 

The tools described in this deliverable provide a useful overview of the building or building stock's technical condition, LCC and energy performance what is necessary to plan efficiently in long-term the maintenance and renovation activities in order to improve the overall condition of the asset with possibly best energy performance and fastest return on investment (ROI).

The preliminary results of the LCC analysis on the P2ENDURE demonstration cases are elaborated in the D3.3 validation report of reduced renovation cost and time.  The mobile inspection tool for building condition assessment and other applications within the RE Suite software tool are described in the D2.3 deliverable report.

The methodology of performing BIM-based energy analyses of different renovation strategies with chosen innovative solutions is described in the D3.1 validation report of reduced use of net primary energy. The BIM Parametric Modeller, which allows visualising the results of the energy analyses and comparing the differences in energy performance of buildings depending on the chosen parameters/solutions, is described in the D2.2 deliverable report.

The Mobile Inspection Tool is available online through your web browser. In order to attain access to the software environment, please contact DEMO Consultants by clicking on this link. When you have received login credentials you can access the Mobile Inspection Tool by clicking on the link below.

​Login Mobile Inspection Tool​​

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.