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D2.3: Mobile inspection tool for building condition assessment



This deliverable (D2.3) describes the prototype software tool for building condition assessment used in the P2ENDURE demonstration cases before the renovation.

The mobile inspection tool is a user friendly ICT tool for building condition assessment. The software can be operated on a mobile device (a tablet) as well as a desktop / laptop computer.
Within the P2ENDURE project the tool is to be deployed and validated by the consortium partners responsible for the demonstration cases. The intention of performing the building condition assessment before the renovation of the demonstration cases is to gather and compare the collected data using the same coherent methodology that is implemented in the software tool.

This pre-renovation information will be saved for the later comparison between the condition before and after renovation in order to provide tangible and measureable evidence of the improvement through the implementation of P2ENDURE Plug-and-Play solutions for deep renovation.​

The mobile inspection tool to be developed in P2ENDURE is an enhanced and extended version of the existing building inspection and maintenance software tool developed by DEMO Consultants. In this upgraded tool specific P2ENDURE requirements for deep renovation are addressed, including at the same time project typologies, such as deep renovation and transformation of residential and public buildings.​

The Mobile Inspection Tool is available online through your web browser. In order to attain access to the software environment, please contact DEMO Consultants by clicking on this link. When you have received login credentials you can access the Mobile Inspection Tool by clicking on the link below.

​Login Mobile Inspection Tool​​

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.