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D7.3: Report of joint initiatives within EeB PPP​


P2Endure is a European research project funded under the EU programme H2020-EE-2016-PPP (supporting accelerated and cost-effective deep renovation of buildings through Public-Private Partnerships (EEB PPP). The project aims to improve the availability and performance of energy saving solutions for deep renovation and transformation of vacant, obsolete or sub-optimal public buildings into dwellings promoting evidence-based innovative solutions for deep renovation based on prefabricated Plug and- Play systems in combination with on-site robotic 3D-printing and BIM demonstrated and monitored at 11 real projects, 2 virtual demonstrators in 4 geo-clusters with EU-wide replication potentials. 

This present document constitutes the “Report of joint initiatives within EeB PPP” account for the P2Endure project and aims at describing the activities performed by P2ENDURE Consortium to promote the project activities within the research sector and to reinforce as well as to establish new collaborations and synergies with similar EeB initiatives. 

Therefore, in this document, the participation to the events reported in Error! Reference source not found. y P2ENDURE partners is described with a focus on the “Deep Renovation Joint Workshop and TCP Event”. This event was hosted and organised by P2ENDURE project itself.

This document addresses stakeholders that expressed the interest in being updated on P2ENDURE related events. Reporting on the outcomes of these events, the stakeholders can be informed on the results of the working or dissemination sections that they joined or would like to participate in.

Thanks to this document, other research projects might also be inspired for the organisation of their events or, in case P2ENDURE is, in line with their research activities ask P2ENDURE Consortium to start collaboration. 

The active participation to these workshops, seminars and webinars has increased the interest on P2ENDURE project results and enlarged the number of stakeholders following its activities. The organisation of the Deep Renovation Workshop with its interactive sessions was an excellent occasion to promote P2ENDURE approach and its innovative solution, to share best practices and gather the direct feedback from an audience of experts in the field of Deep renovation to guide the market upscaling of P2ENDURE results.

The high appraisal of the workshop participants on P2ENDURE approach and solutions suggested that the potential customers might appreciate the project outcomes. It was therefore confirmed that P2ENDURE results have a potential market that has to be addressed with a proper customer journey analysis.

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.