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D5.2: Report of the TCP business workshops and for market upscaling ​


P2Endure is a European research project funded under the EU programme H2020-EE-2016-PPP (supporting accelerated and cost-effective deep renovation of buildings through Public-Private Partnerships (EEB PPP). The project aims to improve the availability and performance of energy saving solutions for deep renovation and transformation of vacant, obsolete or sub-optimal public buildings into dwellings promoting evidence-based innovative solutions for deep renovation based on prefabricated Plug and- Play systems in combination with on-site robotic 3D-printing and BIM demonstrated and monitored at 11 real projects, 2 virtual demonstrators in 4 geo-clusters with EU-wide replication potentials. This document, “Report of the TCP business workshops and for market upscaling” aims at presenting the activities performed by P2ENDURE consortium for the organisation and the successful implementation of the “Deep Renovation Joint Workshop and TCP Event” as well as the outcomes of this operative meeting. Therefore, the document addresses the workshop participants as a report on the results of their contributions; P2Endure stakeholders that could not join the event but are following the project progress as well as relevant stakeholders that might be interested in P2Endure results and/or in the overall structure and organisation of the event. 

This workshop constitutes the first out of two TCP meetings foreseen for the project. It was organised in close collaboration with five other EU funded initiatives (EENSULATE, ENVISION, 4RinEU, Pro-GET-onE and ENERFUND) as an occasion of best practice sharing and networking opportunity. The workshop aimed at raising the awareness on the most innovative building renovation and energy saving solutions as well as at presenting and discussing altogether the main features of P2ENDURE e-Marketplace (both under a technical and business perspective). 

Therefore, the final objective of the event was to support the market upscaling of P2ENDURE solutions. Within this report, the organisation, stakeholder identification and invitation processes are described together with the methodology applied within the interactive poster sessions and the e-Marketplace workshops. The outcomes of these activities and the feedback received during the event are also reported.

In general, very positive feedback was gathered on the one hand on the organisation of the workshop and on the other hand on the P2ENDURE solutions, demo cases and e-Marketplace. Suggestions on further improvements for the proposed solutions, comments on potential barriers for the replicability of the renovation strategies and information on the value propositions needed to make the e-Marketplace a successful platform were provided. Therefore, the workshop has been a unique opportunity to gather from 76 well-experienced stakeholders a direct feedback to guide and support the market upscaling of P2ENDURE solutions. 

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.