D6.6: Report on EeB PPP clustering
This report constitutes the Deliverable D6.6 “Report on EeB PPP clustering activities involving P2Endure”1 aiming at
describing the activities performed by P2ENDURE Consortium to promote the project activities within the research
and development sector and to reinforce as well as to establish new collaborations and synergies with similar
Energy Efficient Buildings European Initiatives (E2B EI). Therefore, in the present document, the organization and
participation by P2ENDURE partners to the following events is described:
- Deep Renovation Joint Workshop – 19th May 2020 – online webinar organised in cooperation with BUILD UP,
the European Portal For Energy Efficiency in Buildings (https://www.buildup.eu/en)
- Deep Renovation Joint Workshop 2.0 @ Sustainable Places 2020 – 30th November 2020 – digital event
P2ENDURE presentations are also held on events of sister projects e.g. MoreConnect.
Furthermore, P2ENDURE Project’ Survey results are reported allowing to conclude that the general perception of
stakeholder’s interest about P2Endure innovative solutions is good as the project is considered interesting in all its
The active participation and organization of these workshops, together with the predisposition and the spreading
of P2Endure project survey, has increased the visibility of P2ENDURE project results and enlarged the number of
stakeholders. These activities represented an excellent occasion to promote P2ENDURE approach and its
innovative solutions gathering the direct feedback from a panel of experts in the field of deep renovation to guide
the market upscaling of P2ENDURE results.
With reference to the project’s Technology Commercialization Platform (TCP), is aim is to guarantee a wide impact
on replication and market upscaling within P2Endure.
TCP, beyond the project completion, is expected to increase the exchange with relevant stakeholders (as has been
made for example within the project survey) about the developments in the project’s technologies, in order to
take thoughtful decision in their future improvements and continue to widely disseminate the project results. This
because the main assumption under the TCP is that it has to build up a critical mass of stakeholders to provide the
necessary vehicle for innovative SMEs to take a significant role in the EU and global market networks.
For what concerns the replication, the following may be considered the pillars which a TCP may rely on to be
usefully applied on other projects.
- Supporting with the formulation of requirements and guidelines for optimal use and implementation of the
project toolset;
- Assessing whether the solutions offered by the project will meet its requirements and affordability, especially
through the demonstration cases (if present);
- Assisting the project’s consortium in solving barriers to exploitation, e.g. legislative, technical or
standardization issues;
- Playing an active role in the distribution, dissemination, implementation and exploitation of the research