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D2.8: Standardised deep renovation feasibility assessment and project proposal for client’s and authority’s approval


P2Endure is a European research project funded under the EU programme H2020-EE-2016-PPP (supporting accelerated and cost-effective deep renovation of buildings through Public-Private Partnerships (EEB PPP). The project aims to improve the availability and performance of energy saving solutions for deep renovation and transformation of vacant, obsolete or sub-optimal buildings promoting evidence-based innovative solutions for deep renovation based on prefabricated Plug and- Play systems in combination with on-site robotic 3Dprinting and BIM demonstrated and monitored at 11 real projects, 2 virtual demonstrators in 4 geo-clusters with EU-wide replication potentials.

This deliverable focusses on a scenario for scaling up deep renovation of existing dwellings and buildings applying the P2Ednure 4M (Mapping – Making – Modelling – Monitoring) approach and tools. It shows a possible district approach. The approach is focussed on different kind of collaborations between stakeholders utilizing similarity in building stock and proximity. Important tools in the approach are setting up a district alliance and using the P2Endure 4M approach and the E-marketplace on district or city scale. The deliverable is intended to propose a strategy for local implementation of the holistic P2Endure approach and should be interesting for large stakeholders in districts that are able to occupy a crucial role in the success of deep scale renovation on district scale.

In this report the concept of a district alliance is introduced. The district alliance is an initiative that connects all stakeholders in a specific district. It is a collaboration model that enables the bundling of demand, knowledge and experiences and the collaboration between different building owners and stakeholders. It is also a way of combining all separate initiatives in a district and working together. The alliance starts small with the meeting of professional stakeholders and pioneers. And when interest is growing it is able to further develop, obtain an official status representing the district stakeholders. The appointment of a process coordinator creates a professional base for the process that must be undertaken. 

The (local) E-marketplace to be set up at local level could integrate the P2Endure simulation tool (configurator) that is used to select and combine PnP renovation solutions. In this context, it can be used by local SME’s, consortia or resellers of the products. In addition, it enables collaboration between different solution providers and helps setup new alliances at the local level. It is also a tool that can be used by district process coordinators for analysing possible solutions and (with adjustments) customers to choose their product and renovation approach.

In this deliverable a stakeholder meeting, and test for a district alliance meeting, concerning the district ‘The Reit’ in Tilburg (NL) was organized. This district houses the cancelled demo-case ‘School building Abdij van Bernestraat’ within P2Endure. In a multidisciplinary meeting the aspects of creating a district alliance and using the E-marketplace were discussed.

‘The Reit’ district is composed of approximately 50% social housing and 50% privately owned dwellings (multistorey and family-houses). Interesting in this case are the initiatives that the social housing cooperation, Tiwos is undertaking and the possibilities these actions create for private home owners. Giving these private owners the opportunity for deep renovation (through support, knowledge and financial means) will create an important impact for the district. During the meeting participants discussed the challenges of upscaling deep renovation and the possibilities for a district approach. Conclusions of the meeting were that the private homeowners should be intimately involved with trajectories concerning their own homes and district. They need guidance and support to see full possibilities in their specific situation. Secondly the potential of possible collaboration between professional stakeholders like social housing corporation and private homeowners should be utilized. Finally, the necessity became clear that to reach sustainability ambitions it can only be achieved in integral collaboration with all stakeholders in the district. In chapter 3 a report of the stakeholder meeting is added.

Next to the district ‘the Reit’ the district approach was virtually tested on the district ‘Imienin’ in the city of Warsaw (PL). This district houses the P2Endure nursery school demonstration project. The district was mapped and the potential for using a district alliance approach in combination with the usage of the P2Endure Emarketplace was analysed. It comprises of high repetitive high-rise apartment buildings built in the ’70 and most of these apartments are privately owned. The district ownership situation is a highly complex combination of private ownership and ownership by housing associations. In these projects it is crucial that the private owners of the apartments are guaranteed to pay the same amount of money for housing costs before and after renovation. The social cohesion on district scale is not high. Social cohesion is mostly limited to the own building and neighbouring buildings with shared outer space and facilities. In this case the first step is to set-up an alliance on the scale of this neighbourhood, clustering, depended on urban structure, a maximum of 3 to 4 buildings. These buildings are similar and connecting all stakeholders (homeowners, municipality, independent experts and finally contractors) will enable collaboration of sharing knowledge and experiences. A chosen independent process coordinator for a building can analyse possible solutions using the Emarketplace as simulation tool. When this is successful, and residents are interested in renovating their homes, the next step can be taken to select the final consortium/contractor for execution. Bundling demand is already done in this scenario on the scale of the building. Organising a district planning regarding execution is hard to achieve in this situation. Coordinating the process on a district scale on the other hand will have the advantage of reaching the full district in communication. Involving the whole district will prepare the way for more deep renovation initiatives. The first projects will function as pilot projects and examples for good practices. The alliance that combines 3 to 4 buildings can directly exchange experiences and knowledge and facilitate scaling up towards municipality and infrastructural stakeholders (district heath/ electricity).

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.