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​D1.3: Sets of deep renovation solutions of building HVAC systems



P2ENDURE promotes evidence-based innovative solutions for deep renovation based on prefabricated plug and play (PnP) systems. The primary objective of this Deliverable 1.3 is to evaluate innovative as much as possible PnP heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) components and systems that can be used for deep retrofits. Therefore, new approach is developed where all components are to be integrated into one platform in order to reduce installation size and costs.

The task started with defining main objectives and requirements of modular HVAC installations. Secondly, a technology inventory and a critical review was done of the several EU-funded projects that deal with the development of the novel modular and PnP prefab HVAC components and systems. This helped to identify state-of-the-art advanced technologies in the field of HVAC energy generation applications. Afterwards, technical requirements of the P2ENDURE ‘’HVAC engine’’ were de​fined. Following this programme of requirements, HVAC engine can be designed and implemented for different demonstration buildings (in respect to individual building requirements) inside the P2ENDURE project.​

André van Delft
DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723391.